About Me

My professional journey is marked by a commitment to rigor, infused with a penchant for creativity. I have studied and written papers on the uncertainty of entrepreneurial outcomes, the impact of trade liberalization on innovation, and the career choices of talented individuals, among other topics. As a tenure-track faculty, first at Harvard Business School and then at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business, I greatly enjoyed fostering students' critical thinking and communication skills through the case method. In 2021, I left my position as an assistant professor, recognizing the rapid changes in the world and in higher education. Since then, I’ve charted an experimental yet exhilarating course, uncovering new opportunities to connect with diverse audiences. My current work is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations adapt to the complexities and uncertainties of modern business environments, blending an evidence-oriented approach with creative, targeted solutions.

I’m a native of Chengdu, China, and I moved to the U.S. at 17 to pursue my college education. I hold a B.A. in Mathematical Economics and Mathematics from Colgate University, graduating with high honors in both majors. I also earned a Ph.D. in Economics from MIT.

In my spare time, I find inspiration in nature, travel, films, and writing. I practice Zen and Vajrayana Buddhist meditation and have a strong interest in Western metaphysical arts. I live in Boston with my husband.

~ Pian Shu

(Site Last Updated: June 2024)

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